ADHDgene Database
  • Published Variant
  • Published Gene: 359
  • Published Region: 128
  • Pathway by PBA: 8
  • Study: 361

SNP Report

Basic Info
Name rs1843809 dbSNP Ensembl
Location Chr12:72348698(Fwd)
Variant Alleles G/T
Ancestral Allele G
Functional Annotation NMD_transcript_variant; intron_variant.
Consequence to Transcript NMD_transcript_variant(ENST00000546576)
intron_variant(ENST00000546576; ENST00000333850)
No. of Studies 5 (significant: 3; non-significant: 2; trend: 0)
Source Literature-origin

SNP related studies (count: 5)
Reference Allele Change Risk Allele Statistical Values Author Comments Result of Statistical Analysis
Brookes K, 2006 A/C UNPHASED TDT P-value=0.00482; WHAP TDT P-value=0.012 UNPHASED TDT P-value=0.00482; WHAP TDT P-value=0.012 positive but with opposite allele, significant association w...... positive but with opposite allele, significant association was observed in both UNPHASED and WHAP analyses More... Significant
Sheehan K, 2007 T TDT test: P-value=1, OR=1.05 for full trios; P-value=0.302, ...... TDT test: P-value=1, OR=1.05 for full trios; P-value=0.302, OR=0.5 for paternal transmission; P-value=0.327, OR=1.6 for maternal transmission. More... There is no significant difference in the transmission of al...... There is no significant difference in the transmission of alleles to ADHD cases. More... Non-significant
Hawi Z, 2005 TDT P-value=0.001, X2=10.9, OR=3.7 for paternel t...... TDT P-value=0.001, X2=10.9, OR=3.7 for paternel transmission; TDT P-value=0.09, X2=3.5, OR=1.9 for maternal transmission More... nominal significant overtransmission of paternal alleles was...... nominal significant overtransmission of paternal alleles was seen, no significant association was observed for maternal transmission More... Significant
Gizer IR, 2009 Meta-analysis model: Random: OR=1.15, 95% CI=0.73-1.82, P-va...... Meta-analysis model: Random: OR=1.15, 95% CI=0.73-1.82, P-value=0.276; Q-statistic: P-value=0.0002, I2=84 More... no evidence to suggest an association between this polymorph...... no evidence to suggest an association between this polymorphisms and ADHD More... Non-significant
Sheehan K, 2005 T/G allelic TDT P-value=0.0006, X2=12.2, OR=2.36; TDT...... allelic TDT P-value=0.0006, X2=12.2, OR=2.36; TDT P-value=0.001, X2=10.9, OR=3.7 of paternal origin; TDT P-value=0.09, X2=3.5, OR=1.9 of maternal origin More... a highly significant association between the T allele and AD...... a highly significant association between the T allele and ADHD was observed; association is enhanced when paternal transmission alone is considered More... Significant

SNP related genes (count: 1)

Literature-origin genes (count: 1)

Genes from other sources Help (count: 0)

SNPs in LD with rs1843809 (count: 29) View in gBrowse (chr12:72344618..72398117 )
The LD data used here is based on HapMap rel#27. LD SNP pairs were selected with a threshold r2>=0.8.

Literature-origin SNPs (count: 13)

LD-proxies (count: 16)