ADHDgene Database
  • Published Variant
  • Published Gene: 359
  • Published Region: 128
  • Pathway by PBA: 8
  • Study: 361

SNP Report

Basic Info
Name rs11568324 dbSNP Ensembl
Location Chr16:55726058(Fwd)
Variant Alleles C/T
Ancestral Allele C
Functional Annotation intron_variant.
Consequence to Transcript intron_variant(ENST00000566163; ENST00000568529; ENST00000561820; ENST00000414754; ENST00000567238; ENST00000219833; ENST00000379906; ENST00000568943)
No. of Studies 5 (significant: 4; non-significant: 1; trend: 0)
Source Literature-origin

SNP related studies (count: 5)
Reference Allele Change Risk Allele Statistical Values Author Comments Result of Statistical Analysis
Xu X, 2008(b) T/C TDT P-value=0.004, OR=0.26 in ST1; TDT P-value=0.22, OR=0.54...... TDT P-value=0.004, OR=0.26 in ST1; TDT P-value=0.22, OR=0.54 in ST2; TDT P-value=0.03, OR=0.31 in MGH; TDT P-value=0.16, OR=0.33 in Dublin; TDT P-value=0.00008, OR=0.34 in TOTAL; P-value=0.003, OR=0.21 in ST1; P-value=0.3, OR=0.59 in ST2, P-value=0.12, OR=0.32 in Dublin; P-value=0.007, OR=0.34 in Total, for allele counts More... the overall evidence of association was significant across a...... the overall evidence of association was significant across all four datasets More... Significant
Kim JW, 2008 X2=4.765, P-value=0.029, OR=3.25; X2=1...... X2=4.765, P-value=0.029, OR=3.25; X2=10.3, P-value=0.0013, OR=3.37 in the combined study More... shows positive associations shows positive associations Significant
Ilott NE, 2010 QTDT AT P-value=0.04, X2=4.38, df=1, at age 2; QT...... QTDT AT P-value=0.04, X2=4.38, df=1, at age 2; QTDT AT P-value=0.13, X2=0.58, df=1, at age 3 More... modest, nominally significant associations in the AT test at...... modest, nominally significant associations in the AT test at age 2 More... Significant
Brookes K, 2006 A/G UNPHASED TDT P-value=0.0153 UNPHASED TDT P-value=0.0153 significant association was observed in UNPHASED analysis significant association was observed in UNPHASED analysis Significant
Sengupta, S. M., 2012 C/T P-value=0.56, Z statistic (allele 1)=0.58 P-value=0.56, Z statistic (allele 1)=0.58 No significant association was found in this study. No significant association was found in this study. Non-significant

SNP related genes (count: 2)

Literature-origin genes (count: 2)

Genes from other sources Help (count: 0)

SNPs in LD with rs11568324 (count: 0) View in gBrowse (chr16:55726058..55726058 )