ADHDgene Database
  • Published Variant
  • Published Gene: 359
  • Published Region: 128
  • Pathway by PBA: 8
  • Study: 361

SNP Report

Basic Info
Name rs1800955 dbSNP Ensembl
Location Chr11:636784(Fwd)
Variant Alleles T/C
Ancestral Allele T
Functional Annotation upstream_gene_variant.
Consequence to Transcript upstream_gene_variant(ENST00000176183; ENST00000528733)
No. of Studies 3 (significant: 2; non-significant: 1; trend: 0)
Source Literature-origin

SNP related studies (count: 3)
Reference Allele Change Risk Allele Statistical Values Author Comments Result of Statistical Analysis
Yang JW, 2008 C/T genotypic P-value=0.043, X2=6.28; allelic P-value...... genotypic P-value=0.043, X2=6.28; allelic P-value=0.013, X2=6.22 More... significant differences in the genotype and allele frequenci...... significant differences in the genotype and allele frequencies of the -521 C/T SNP More... Significant
Das M, 2011 T/G ETDT P-value=0.32, X2(1df)=1.002, RR=1; allelic f...... ETDT P-value=0.32, X2(1df)=1.002, RR=1; allelic frequencies COCAPHASE P-value=0.56, X2=0.34 for T; ETDT P-value=0.32, X2(1df)=1.002, RR=0.8; allelic frequencies COCAPHASE P-value=0.56, X2=0.34 for C More... no significant contribution was noticed by either case-contr...... no significant contribution was noticed by either case-control or family-based analysis More... Non-significant
Gizer IR, 2009 Meta-analysis model: Fixed: OR=1.21, 95% CI=1.04-1.41, P-val...... Meta-analysis model: Fixed: OR=1.21, 95% CI=1.04-1.41, P-value=0.007; Q-statistic: P-value=0.472, I2=0 More... significant but modest association significant but modest association Significant

SNP related genes (count: 1)

Literature-origin genes (count: 1)

Genes from other sources Help (count: 0)

SNPs in LD with rs1800955 (count: 0) View in gBrowse (chr11:636784..636784 )